
Refill Set Charms Maker The Amazing Zubber Review

Refill Set Charms Maker The Amazing Zubber
Average Reviews:

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There is no way the charms look like the picture.But then its for kids!I tried making some as a adult and it looks nothing like the picure.The zubber is hard to work with and sets too fast.My daughter is not fast enough to mold each one so the zubber sets before she is done.

Don't waste your money.I will never by this for any child.Its not as easy as it seems and the results are not like how it is pictured on the box.The manual shows usage of metal rings but they actually give you plastic rings to connect to necklace or each other.The accessories they give you are very cheapall plastic and cheap looking.Not worth the money.

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Product Description:
The Amazing Zubber is a modeling compound that molds like dough and hardens like rubber. Just scoop it, mix it and press it into a mold.

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