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(More customer reviews)Allow me to relay an experience I had with a sales rep at the local fair recently, which may be illuminating.
I was wandering through the sales tent with my girlfriend, and paused in front of a booth with stacks of these wristbands, official PB sales material, and photos of star athletes with PB bling on their wrists.
"Have you heard of the PB wristband?" Salesman (as of then) asked.
"No, what is it?"
"It's embedded with a positively charged hologram that reacts with certain frequencies in the Earth to improve balance, strength and flexibility".
My GF rolled her eyes and wandered on. "So it has a battery?", I asked.
"No, no battery, it's built in, and lasts forever. A lot of pro athletes are wearing them [drops some names]. We demonstrate how it works through some simple kinesthetic tests".
[Knowing something how electricity works, I was skeptical to say the least. Charged ions do not stay put when touched by a person, this is why we get static shocks, lightning, and functional household appliances, but I humored the man].
"Stand on one foot and hold your arms out, and resist and hold your balance when I push down on your arm."
I did so, attempting not to jab any passersby. He pushed, and I fell over. [No, not all the way]. One more time (to make sure it's not muscle memory, he says), and same result. Then I put on a PB band, and wouldn't you know it, he's practically hanging off my arm and I'm still standing!
"Well, that's pretty nifty, I'll go read up on them and might be back."
So we walked the fair that night, and a day or two later I read up on PB. I read amazing testimonials, saw the same test being performed on astounded people on YT vids. Then I watched the YT video put out by the Australian Skeptic organization and also saw the early Board Riders Review of PB, where you can clearly see that yes, those skeptical Australians are in fact on to something. I also learned that to receive the electro-magnetic frequency PB claims it does, because of the wavelengths involved the bracelet would need to be 12,000 miles long or so. But -
Here's how the "tests" work, try it and amaze your friends with any prop! I have... [But don't stop now, the story continues below]! Without bracelet, the salesman errr conman rather, pushes down, and while maintaining pressure pulls off balance ever so slightly. With band on, he pushes straight down and can even push in slightly if the target starts to tip. With correct downward pressure, it's very difficult to notice being pulled, esp when you're focusing on balancing. Next test is similar, your hands on one side, he pulls down and out first time, and straight down next time. And lastly, when the target is completely amazed (and thus also utilizing the basic sales principle of "commitment and consistency", where a person will go to great lengths to uphold a previously conceived notion, even fooling themselves subconsciously) comes the flexibilty "test" where you point, twist, and hold (thus also stretching), put on the band and point, and lo! You point further!
So I practiced up, amazed friends and family and sold them all worthless pieces of gravel for $50 [Only kidding about the last part! Had to clarify since I know there are probably a few gullible people reading this...] Then I went back to the fair days later, intending only to go on the rides which we missed before. Well, just maybe looking for a confrontation as a bonus...
We happened to walk by the conman in action, joined by an accomplice this time. Fearing a scene, my lady moved along. I stood off to the side, a naive observer who he didn't recognize, and made small talk with his brother-in-scammetry while Conman One finished with his target. This guy was sold, and as he was picking out what color he wanted I stepped up.
"Excuse me, don't you think an independent observer should do the pushing down, you know, since he IS the salesman?"
Well sure, the guy agreed, and the conman, well what choice did he really have? Besides with Commitment and Consistency on his side, the target would probably make it work on his own. So he thought. Heheh!
Well wouldn't you know it, I was completely unable to topple the man when he didn't have the bracelet on, using two fingers.
"Two fingers!" said the conman. "What does that prove!?"
"Yeah yeah, now give him the gizmo" I requested, and under protest he turned it over.
Same two fingers, and boy. The positive charge must have grounded out, because the target toppled over quicker than a drunk on the midway rides, bracelet and all!
"You're pulling him over! You pulled him over!" yells the conman.
"And you're not?"
Not even a denial, just "Well, OK, how do explain the flexibility tests then! I wasn't even touching him!"
I did, we exchanged a few more unpleasantries, and I turned to the target, suggesting that whatever he decided to do, he look up PB and applied kinesiology when he got home. Then I turned to leave.
As I walked by Conman One, he snarled under his breath, "Don't try to ruin our sale!" And I smiled.
Oh Conman, I will. And happy ending, the would be target ran up behind us moments later, sans bracelet with words of appreciation.
Now you know, and since you do, the next time YOU see one of these sleazies in action, do what I did and spoil just one sale. What are they really going to do? It kills me that these shiny pieces of rubber are #4 in "sports and fitness" right now! They are completely unrelated to either! You want fitness, you gotta work for it, you want self help, buy some Tony Robbins. Don't enrich a scam company [who incidentally don't make any claims of increased power or balance on their website, thus passing the threat of a lawsuit, and an a-- whooping, on to their MLM minions, while they make bank from the safety of their offices]. We all want a magic bullet for every area of our life that needs improvement, but improvement is hard work. That's what makes it worthwhile and satisfying.
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Click Here to see more reviews about: Power Balance Silicone Wristband
Product Description:
* Performance technology that uses holograms embeddedwith frequencies that react positively with your bodys natural energyfield* When the hologram comes in contact with your bodys energy field, itallows your body to interact with the natural, beneficial frequencystored within the hologram resulting in improved energy flow throughoutyour body* Helps promote balance, strength, and flexibility* Made to last, 100% Surgical Grade Silicone wristband cango anywhere you do* Made with a stretch feature that extends easily over your hand, youlllove the style and comfort it provides* Complete with two Power Balance holograms* 60 Day Manufacturer's Warranty* As Seen In media from around the country
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